Japanese energetic treatment method by apposition of the hands, created by Mikao Usui start of the 20th Century.

Workshop for kids
Use all your senses to capture this moment of fullness for the rest of your life.
‘WELL-BEING’ helps children to reinforce their self-confidence, to develop their full potential, to strengthen their personality and creativity and to feel happy.
Sophrology aims to boost the qualities and available ressources that you have, helping to unlock your full potential both professionally and personally. We all can solve our problems, reach our goals and be able access happiness.

Intuitive Energy Healing
It enhances the body’s natural ability to self-heal, supports body and mind for well- being. It helps to achieve inner peace through a state of relaxation and to feel the fullness of life.
Meditation calms the mind, rests the physical body, and allows to refocus. It allows you to connect inwardly with calm and tranquility and you learn to welcome what is, in the present moment.

Feng Shui is based on ancestral observation of nature and Chinese cosmology. In Chinese, Feng means Wind and Shui means Water. By observing nature, the Chinese have found the rules between heaven, earth, and man.